How To Get Microblading Clients Right Now! – A Survival Marketing Guide

How To Get Microblading Clients Right Now! – A Survival Marketing Guide

The number one complaint that I hear from recent microblading graduates is that they have a hard time getting new clients. I hear them say things like, my website doesn’t show up in Google, or nobody even sees my Facebook or Instagram posts. While digital marketing may seem like a daunting task, read on. I’ve simplified the marketing process to get you clients easily and quickly.

You need a portfolio and you need one now!

If you want to get people interested in Eyebrows Microblading, then you need to educate your potential clients with a kick-ass portfolio. You have to do this in order to attract new clients. Just telling people what Microblading is, is not enough. Most people don’t even understand what Microblading is so visual aids are very important during this stage of your career.

You will need to create before and after photos, videos, and client testimonials to help communicate exactly what Microblading is. The bad news is, that you need to get clients in order to get reviews. Read onto our “gasp” craigslist section, and I will show you how to get clients right away.

Using Craigslist to build your portfolio.

Building a microblading portfolio can be tough, and you have to start somewhere. And that’s usually at the bottom. Unless you are a Cosmetologist or Esthetician with a good clientele, you’ll need to start with Craigslist in order to build your portfolio. You’ll have to offer serious discounts or even offer your service for free to a select few people. Here’s how to proceed.

  1. Offer a discount on Microblading. Let people know your regular price and offer a discount for your services. You can usually get clients this way.
  2. Offer the service for free. Only do this to get a few entries into your portfolio. After that everyone must pay.
  3. Once you’ve built a small but respectable portfolio get the hell out of craigslist. Craigslist users are fussy, troublesome, and cheap. So remember, you’re only here to build your portfolio.

And most importantly, do not ever, ever, ever offer free Microblading on your website, Facebook, or IG account. It will come back to haunt you. Trust me.

Get Reviews

Getting 5 star reviews is a tricky process and if done incorrectly, it can haunt you for months and even years. In today’s digital landscape, many people rely on reviews to see how good your work is. So, be good at what you do. When you’re not marketing your Microblading business, you should be practicing on skins, headbands, or dummies. Be a master at what you do, create an amazing/unique experience and the reviews will come naturally. Post review badges on your windows or somewhere highly visible to your clients.

Don’t be pushy when it comes to getting reviews.

Yelp is a great place to get reviews, more importantly, Yelp is a great place for your reviews to die. If you try and fool Yelp with solicited reviews, you’re gonna get slapped with filtered reviews. That means that Yelp is going to hide all of those nice 5 star reviews that you asked for. Here’s why.

When you ask someone to write a Yelp review and they have to create a Yelp account, it looks suspicious to Yelp’s algorithm. When you ask 50 people to write a review and many of them don’t have Yelp accounts, the algorithm knows that you are asking for reviews.

Below is an illustration of filtered reviews from a known business that has solicited Yelp Reviews.

The number one complaint that I hear from recent microblading graduates is that they have a hard time getting new clients. I hear them say things like, my website doesn’t show up in Google, or nobody even sees my Facebook or Instagram posts. While digital marketing may seem like a daunting task, read on. I’ve simplified the marketing process to get you clients easily and quickly.

You need a portfolio and you need one now!

If you want to get people interested in Eyebrows Microblading, then you need to educate your potential clients with a kick-ass portfolio. You have to do this in order to attract new clients. Just telling people what Microblading is, is not enough. Most people don’t even understand what Microblading is so visual aids are very important during this stage of your career.

You will need to create before and after photos, videos, and client testimonials to help communicate exactly what Microblading is. The bad news is, that you need to get clients in order to get reviews. Read onto our “gasp” craigslist section, and I will show you how to get clients right away.

Using Craigslist to build your portfolio.

Building a microblading portfolio can be tough, and you have to start somewhere. And that’s usually at the bottom. Unless you are a Cosmetologist or Esthetician with a good clientele, you’ll need to start with Craigslist in order to build your portfolio. You’ll have to offer serious discounts or even offer your service for free to a select few people. Here’s how to proceed.

  1. Offer a discount on Microblading. Let people know your regular price and offer a discount for your services. You can usually get clients this way.
  2. Offer the service for free. Only do this to get a few entries into your portfolio. After that everyone must pay.
  3. Once you’ve built a small but respectable portfolio get the hell out of craigslist. Craigslist users are fussy, troublesome, and cheap. So remember, you’re only here to build your portfolio.

And most importantly, do not ever, ever, ever offer free Microblading on your website, Facebook, or IG account. It will come back to haunt you. Trust me.

Get Reviews

Getting 5 star reviews is a tricky process and if done incorrectly, it can haunt you for months and even years. In today’s digital landscape, many people rely on reviews to see how good your work is. So, be good at what you do. When you’re not marketing your Microblading business, you should be practicing on skins, headbands, or dummies. Be a master at what you do, create an amazing/unique experience and the reviews will come naturally. Post review badges on your windows or somewhere highly visible to your clients.

Don’t be pushy when it comes to getting reviews.

Yelp is a great place to get reviews, more importantly, Yelp is a great place for your reviews to die. If you try and fool Yelp with solicited reviews, you’re gonna get slapped with filtered reviews. That means that Yelp is going to hide all of those nice 5 star reviews that you asked for. Here’s why.

When you ask someone to write a Yelp review and they have to create a Yelp account, it looks suspicious to Yelp’s algorithm. When you ask 50 people to write a review and many of them don’t have Yelp accounts, the algorithm knows that you are asking for reviews.

Below is an illustration of filtered reviews from a known business that has solicited Yelp Reviews.

This selected audience is about 42,000 people. There are enough potential clients in this audience to get your business going.

The ad below shows that with a $200 budget this ad will reach between 1700 and 5000 people a day if you run the ad for about 3 weeks. If you run the ad for a shorter amount of time it will reach more people faster. Either way, you should be able to reach most people within your target audience with this ad budget and duration. 

Include a call to action on your Facebook post!

The cool thing about having a Facebook business page is that you can include a call to action on your post such as a Call Now, Send Message, Learn More or Get Directions button which will in fact, drive customers to book an appointment with you. You can find these buttons when you first create a Facebook Post. See the example below.

Be sure to click on the share now button and then boost your post once its published. If your post doesn’t get any engagement after a day or two turn it off and boost another post. The image, content, or information may not be appealing to your target audience. If you are advertising to your peers be sure to show photos of women your age, if you are advertising to an older crowd, be sure to include photos of clients within your desired age group. Most of all don’t be shy to use your creativity when creating videos and posts. It’s all up to you. The clients are out there waiting to give you their money. So go out and find them!

Instagram and Microblading are made for each other! 

Instagram is an excellent platform to connect with Microblading clients. Post your best photos, videos, and portfolio items to instagram and watch your sales go up. Stay away from schemes designed to get you lots of followers within a short amount of time. You’ll end up with a following that lives outside your service and you won’t make any money from it. Instead, build a solid following of people who live near your place of business.

Use Relevant Hashtags

Using hashtags will increase your exposure to people outside of your Instagram following. In fact, many IG users follow specific hashtags, so this is a great way to earn new followers easily. 

Spend money on Ads

Advertising on Instagram is also a great way to reach a lot of potential clients without having to put in all the hard work of building a large following. You don’t need a huge budget to reach a lot of people so feel free to experiment with Instagram ads.

Follow to Unfollow?

A widely used Instagram practice is to follow people to earn a follow back, then unfollow that person right away. People who practice this are wannabe internet famous users who want to artificially appear important or famous online. While you are free to engage in this practice it will make you look like a jerk and people won’t appreciate that. In my opinion, the follow to unfollow technique is a major waste of time. Spending a little bit of money on advertising on Instagram will yield much higher results with a lot less wasted time. So do that instead.

In Conclusion

Getting new Microblading clients takes a lot of work but it’s easily do-able if you setup your advertising program the right way. Avoid manual labor such as follow to unfollow, using your personal profile as a business page, or paying for followers on social media. Be sure to build a great website that educates and makes believer out of site visitors. 

For more information about our Microblading and Permanent Makeup Program in Los Angeles, please visit our website at

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