How To Clean Eyelash Extensions

How To Clean Eyelash Extensions

From all of the cosmetic procedures that make your eyelashes curly and glamorous, eyelash extensions are one of the best options. Even without make-up, having extensions is enough to make your face look more appealing. This method makes your everyday make-up routine simpler and convenient. Read on to learn how to clean eyelash extensions.

Instead of reaching for a curler and applying many coats of mascara to your eyelashes when you wake up, you need to wash your face and head out of your room – makeup is no longer necessary if you have eyelash extensions. This procedure makes a whole lot of difference to your eyes and even to your entire face. 

Eyelash extensions give your lashes a major lift and length, which makes you look wide awake even if you feel half-conscious. On the other hand, eyelash extensions can get dirty since we encounter much dust in our surroundings. Considering the fact that it is placed just right above our eyes, it needs to be clean always. 

Dirt that piles up in the eyelash extensions creates an ideal environment for the bacteria to grow. If this is not prevented, you might have various eye infections that could lead to serious problems.

If you wonder what the easiest way to clean eyelash extensions is, this article will answer those questions. With that, here is How To Clean Eyelash Extensions!

Also readEyelash Extensions Aftercare: The Do’s and Don’ts

When should be the eyelash extensions cleaned?

If your eyelids are oily, you should clean your lash extensions on a daily basis. Individuals who wear eye cosmetics are in the same boat. If you don’t have any problems with your lashes, clean them twice or three times a week.

You must clean your lash extensions after engaging in physical activities such as swimming or going to the gym.

These extensions should not be wet within 48 hours of being applied. With time, these extensions cure and become waterproof.

Oil, salt, sweat, and chlorine will corrode the glue that holds your lash extensions in place.

What are the things that should be avoided?

When cleaning your lashes, avoid using glycerin and oil-based solutions. These products degrade lash adhesive, causing eyelashes to fall out. Shampoos, eye creams, conditioners, cleansers, spray toners, and moisturizers are just a few examples of oil products.

When possible, avoid applying mascara or eyeliner, especially waterproof ones. Cleaning lashes is quite difficult with these two.

Cleansing water should never be used on your lashes for the reason that micelles extract oil from your skin. These oils cause extensions to deteriorate and fall out.

Using the showerhead to wash your lashes is not a good idea. This high-pressure torrent of water could damage your extension.

Cotton buds, sponges, and other similar items should not be used on your lashes. The extensions will be ripped out by these materials.

If you want to keep your lashes clean, don’t scrub them too hard. The application of eyelash extensions is delicate. If you apply pressure on them, they may fall out. Instead, gently scrub them with a washing brush.

Avoid strong formulas that could irritate your eyelids.

How to clean eyelash extensions easily?

Cleaning your eyelash extensions after the first 48 hours of their application, where it completely cured, is the best thing to do. 

In order to maintain the eyelash extensions, follow these easy steps:

  1. Remove your eye make-up. Apply oil-free make-up remover in a wet cotton tip and start wiping off the eye make-up. Make sure to not leave any residue for it can cause irritation.
  2. Remove the foundation. Put an oil-free cleanser on a cotton pad and start wiping off the foundation you are wearing.
  3. Wet your eyelash extension with water.
  4. Using a cleansing brush, put a tiny amount of eyelash shampoo on each of your lashes.
  5. Rinse it off with water in a gentle manner.
  6. Pat dry the eyelash extensions using a lint-free towel.
  7. Brush the eyelash extensions carefully using a clean mascara wand.

What happens if you fail to clean your eyelash extensions regularly?

Irritation and inflammation of the eyelids will be experienced if you don’t clean your lash extensions. To relieve the itching, you’ll most likely rub your lashes all day. With this, extensions may eventually fall out, and your eyelids may get irritated.

Having filthy lash extensions causes blepharitis. This is an infection of the eyelids that causes inflammation. If you failed to clean your lashes, dirt and dead skin build-up will happen, creating an ideal environment for the germs to thrive. 

When bacteria overmultiply, they form biofilms on the eyelids. Demodex parasitic mites are attracted to bacteria biofilm. Bacteria and dead skin are the main sources of food for these mites. When they multiply too much, however, they produce redness, itching, and painful eyelid inflammation.

Endotoxins are also produced by bacteria. These substances infect the already inflamed eyelid, causing it to swell even more.

This infection isn’t life-threatening, but it does cause a lot of itching. For a while, you might not be able to wear lash extensions. 

Individuals who don’t know how to clean lash extensions at home may confuse blepharitis with an allergic reaction to the eyes. The following are some of the signs and symptoms of blepharitis:

  • Redness
  • Gritty feeling in eyes
  • Burning sensation in your eyelashes
  • Watery eyes
  • White flakes in your lashes
  • Eye dryness

When you wake up in the morning, the majority of these symptoms are evident. Blepharitis goes away when you follow a thorough eyelash cleaning routine. 

If you suspect you have this infection, see a doctor immediately.

It is essential to have good hygiene, especially in the sensitive parts of our body, which includes the eyes. Having eyelash extensions comes with great responsibility. Cleaning them regularly will be a big benefit to you and your eyes. If you have peers that are planning or already have eyelash extensions, share this article of How To Clean Eyelash Extensions to keep them from harm.

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